Welcome to the STEM4CLIM8 Knowledge Dissemination Portal
This portal aims to guide you to exploit step by step the results and materials of the STEM4CLIM8 project.
The portal and the materials are available in 4 different languages
Please select from the languages on the top right section to have all the materials in the language version of your preference.
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The STEM4CLIM8 Lesson Plans
Specific materials were developed to guide the teachers on how to teach the students about climate change and take full advantage of the STEM4CLIM8 project and its results.
In the lesson plans, you will find educational materials and activities to implement with your students while discussing the physical disasters of heatwaves, floods, and earthquakes. The activities and educational materials will also target to guide you on the effective exploitation of the STEM4CLIM8 console, Physical Computing Blocks and the custom-made Minecraft Education Worlds.
In the following buttons, you will find the lesson plans.
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The STEM4CLIM8 Console
The console made of plywood was designed to function with the use of the Raspberry PI microcomputer.
Through this console, students can learn programming in Python, Scratch and Minecraft PI edition.
The console needs to be assembled and programmed by the students with the help of the teachers. Find the guide to assemble and programme the console in the following buttons.
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The Physical Computing Blocks
The Physical Computing Blocks are blocks made of sensors. These blocks will be connected through the Raspberry Pi GPIO and will be programmed through Python programming language in order to interact with the Minecraft Pi world, simulating natural disaster and their catastrophic results to a small “Fishing Town”.
The natural disasters demonstrated through the game will be:
• Earthquake
• Volcano eruption
• Sinkhole
• Heatwave
• Flood
Teachers should start a discussion on each phenomenon with the relevant training material.
You can find the guide to assemble and programme the Physical Computing Blocks and the designs of the carton blocks in the following buttons.
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The STEM4CLIM8 Minecraft Education Worlds
The STEM4CLIM8 project created 3 Minecraft worlds running in the Minecraft Education Edition.
These worlds include missions related to 3 physical disasters:
In these worlds, students will play the missions but at the same time will learn about these physical disasters and also how to protect themselves during a physical disaster.
In the following buttons, you will find the worlds to be downloaded, the mission brief videos and guidelines on how to acquire your Minecraft education License as an educational organisation.
Now you are ready to get the full out of STEM4CLIM8 project and its results.
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